What makes Immix unique?
It’s the architecture.
verb \i-ˈmiks\:
To Bring Under One Control

adjective scal·able \ˈskā-lə-bəl\
easy to make larger, more powerful, etc.
adjective extensible \ik-sten-suh-buh l\ : a system design principle where the implementation takes future growth into consideration
Immix has been developed from the ground up using published API’s. These API provide customers, partners and Immix with a common set of instructions for customizing and tailoring the platform.
The API for the application layer is a Web-services API that provides customers the power to access any component of the platform. Typically, this is used to develop custom user interfaces that are tailored to the operation of the company.
The interface layer, or device API, provides a mechanism to interact with any system that can send alarms/alerts, stream video, sync, and exchange data or trigger input/output actions.

adjective ag·ile \ˈa-jəl, -ˌjī(-ə)l\
: able to move quickly and easily
: quick, smart, and clever
Operational Elegance
noun el·e·gance \ˈe-li-gən(t)s\:
scientific precision, neatness, and simplicity
The design of the IMMIX delivers all of this with a high-level of operational elegance, the system is operationally easy to use and maintain.
It builds upon a simple user interface that meets two goals:
Simple to use. With a minimal amount of training, any user can login and begin using the system.
Roles-based. A method of exposing only the information that is relevant to the user based on their job role. The information presented to an operator is very different than that presented to a manager, or the information presented to a law enforcement officer.This greatly reduces the training burden on individuals, while increasing the adoption and collaboration of the system across multiple business roles.