Integration Update: Vicon Valerus

Immix is pleased to announce the integration of Vicon Valerus for the Immix CS/GF platforms Since 1967, Vicon has been a leading manufacturer of security surveillance systems. Today they are focused on providing solutions that have been engineered not just for...

Integration Update: Arcules

Immix is pleased to announce the integration of Arcules for the Immix CS/GF platforms Arcules is the intuitive, cloud-based video management platform that unifies and makes sense of the data from your surveillance system for security and beyond. Focused on creating a...

ABCs of Immix: J

J is for Joint Solutions In our last campaign we highlighted our integration partners, which form the backbone of the Immix Platform.  In a similar vein, we have developed several Joint Solutions with partners to create tools and features that greatly enhance...

ABCs of Immix: I

ABCs of Immix: I is for Integrations   The foundation of the Immix platform is our is our integration partnerships.  The primary objective of Immix is to bring multiple, disparate security solutions into a single pane of glass for an operator or agent in a...

ABCs of Immix: G

ABCs of Immix: G is for Guard Force (ImmixGF) Did you know that Immix actually has two versions of the platform?      Immix GF is a software automation platform that enables your operation to achieve the economies of scale needed to monitor multiple customers,...