
Immix helps simplify disparate video management systems into single dashboard.

Technology Service Center

Founded in 2016 by Daniel Cyr and Jonathan Potvin in Laval, Canada, Sirix emerged with the mission to offer premier live video monitoring and remote site management services across North America. This venture came into being a few years after Daniel and Jonathan had taken over a Security Operations Center (SOC), marking a pivotal shift from conventional security solutions, such as installations and guard duties, towards a more technologically advanced approach. Daniel Cyr, CEO of Sirix, reflected on this strategic transition:

“The market was missing a comprehensive, technologically sophisticated third-party security operations center. Recognizing this void, we saw an excellent opportunity to not only fill this gap but also to redefine what security services could be.” This ambition has been at the core of Sirix’s foundation and continues to guide its growth and innovation.

The Challenge: Sirix’s first big break came from a security dealer, whose car dealer client sought a more efficient, cost-effective security solution than traditional on-site guards for fleet protection. The security dealer connected the dealership’s cameras to Sirix’s center for remote video monitoring. This move opened doors to more clients and business growth.

However, success brought its own set of challenges. Sirix grappled with managing a multitude of diverse video management systems (VMS), each with its unique interface, across various client sites. This complexity threatened the sustainability of their operations. “Our growth highlighted the inefficiency of juggling multiple VMS interfaces. It was clear that we needed a unified solution to make our operations run more smoothly,” Jonathan, Executive VP of Sirix, said, pointing out the problem.

An Immix Partner: The search for an integrated platform led Sirix to partner with Immix, a leader in automation software for managed video services and remote SOC operations. Immix offered a proof of concept (POC) that promised to consolidate disparate VMS into a single, streamlined dashboard. This solution aimed to simplify alarm management and ensure compliance with client Service Level Agreements (SLAs). “After evaluating several options, it was evident that Immix’s platform was uniquely suited to our needs. It offered the seamless integration we needed to efficiently monitor multiple systems through a unified interface,” stated Daniel.

The Solution: Daniel and Jonathan looked into every part of Immix’s platform during the POC to make sure it met Sirix’s strict requirements for speed, dependability, and scaling.This comprehensive evaluation was made possible by Immix’s thorough training and relentless commitment to customer support. “Immix’s team was incredibly supportive, providing the guidance we needed to fully leverage their platform. Their ongoing innovation and responsive service have been instrumental in our ability to offer cutting- edge security solutions to our clients,” added Jonathan.

Outcome and Growth: The collaboration with Immix has transformed Sirix’s operations, enabling the company to manage a growing portfolio of client sites more efficiently and effectively.

The unified platform has not only streamlined internal processes but has also enhanced the quality of service Sirix delivers to its clients. This strategic partnership has positioned Sirix at the forefront of technological innovation in security, ensuring their continued growth and leadership in the industry.

Immix has been a key partner in our efforts to change the way physical security services are provided. Their platform helped us solve major issues with our operations, empowering us to deliver the best service possible to our customers.”   – Daniel Cyr, Sirix CEO

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Chubb runs one the largest stations in the UK using Immix CS for their video monitoring and interactive services.
Throughout Europe and South America Securitas uses Immix CS to provide that latest in interactive monitoring services.


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